The Extended Day Care Program provides families enrolled in the Snake River Montessori School with convenient childcare based on the Montessori philosophy. Below you will find helpful information about our program.
Access Plans (See Office for program rates) All access- unlimited use of the extended day program Occasional Use – use of extended day on an occasional basis.
Students who are registered for the all access program will have a guaranteed space in the program with the exception of non-school days
Occasional Use Access: (See Office for program rates). To reserve a space for occasional use one must sign up for the days needed. When all the spaces in the schedule are full that means the program is full.
Extended Day Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. - before school care. 11:45 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. Primary – (3 and 4 year olds) 3:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Kindergarten and Elementary after school care.
IMPORTANT CLOSURE DATES In order to give our staff some time off, we have scheduled some days that extended day will not be open. (We are sorry for any inconvenience.) Please check your school calendar for these dates.
REGISTRATION FEE All Access Individual Student: $100 per school year Family Rate: $160 per school year Occasional UseIndividual Student $50 per school year Family Rate $80 per school year
CHARGES Occasional Use billing occurs once a month.It is uncomfortable for us to remind parents to pay their Extended Day bill on time. Payments are due on the 15th of the month. A late fee of $20 will be assessed after the 25th of the month. If you are late picking up your child (ren), a late fee if $5.00 per minute will be assessed, after the first 5 minutes. (Please call if you will be late. We realize emergencies do occur and we will try to work with you).
ATTENDANCE Parents must check their child (ren) in/out with a member of the Extended Day Staff. Only those adults named on the registration form will be able to pick up the child (ren) unless written or verbal permission is given. If our staff is not familiar with the individual picking up, identification will be requested.
The check in/out process (for Occasional Use Only) Please write on your childs timecard what time you pick him/her up from Extended Day.
LUNCH/SNACKS Please provide a nutritious lunch for your child—include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and lunchmeat sandwiches, etc. Please no carbonated beverages, adult candy bars, or Go-gurts (these tend to be very messy. For lunch please include personal plastic ware or silverware (we do not have these available).
Snacks are included in the price of Extended Day and will be offered in the afternoon. If you would like to bring a special snack in for sharing, please let us know a day before. (Due to allergies, please do not bring snacks containing nuts, i.e.… walnuts, peanuts...etc).
NAPS Children will have mid-day rests. Cots are provided for the children to sleep on. Please bring a blanket, pillow, and one stuffed animal. (Have all items clearly labeled!) These items will need to be taken home and laundered once a week.
ACTIVITIES Program activities are planned to ensure a fun and nurturing environment while extending theMontessori philosophy into the after-school hours. These activities include indoor and outdoor activities; dress up, crafts, story reading, manipulative, music, dancing and free play. For the elementary students, there will also be homework assistance and library time.
Slippers Please send your child with slippers, all students wear slippers in the extended day classroom.
3/24-3/28: Spring Break No School Extended Day only on 3/24 & 3/25
4/9: Board Meeting 6:30pm
4/14-4/18: UE to Teton Science School
4/19: Book Fair at Winnie & Mo's
5/8: Art & Music Show 6pm
5/14: Board Meeting 6:30 pm
5/21: 6th years Graduation
5/22: Last day of School
5/23 - 5/30: SRMS Closed
Snake River Montessori School
2970 E. 1st Street Ammon, ID 83406 Phone: 208.524.4730