Snake River Montessori School
nurturing potential
Stay Connected

Parental involvement in the operation and growth of Snake River Montessori School (SRMS) encourages and enhances parental involvement in your child's education. As a parent at SRMS, there are many rewarding opportunities for parents to interact with teachers, other parents, and Board members while contributing to your child's educational experience.

Good communication with your child's teacher is an important element in your child's education. To this end, there are parent orientation sessions scheduled at the beginning of each academic year, parent education meetings held during the year, and parent-teacher conferences held throughout the year. You will receive a monthly calendar and weekly news to inform you of current activities at the school.




The administration and Board members will keep you informed in a timely manner about activities and school plans. Communication will include the following:

Monthly Calendar.

The calendar is intended to inform you of current activities at the school and includes a summary of classroom news. The monthly calendar will be in your family folder at the beginning of each month. It will also get posted on the website and Facebook.

Weekly News.

Weekly news with important dates and information will be emailed every Wednesday. 

Bulletin Boards in the School.

These bulletin boards will contain notices, agendas, schedules, and other important information. Please feel free to ask the staff to post any items you feel would be of interest to the parents and be sure to check the board frequently.


This website provides the school calendar, parent handbook, upcoming events, and information about school events.

Board Meetings.

These meetings are held at the school on every second Wednesday of each month and are open to all parents. This is a good way to find out about the plans and workings of our Board.

Electronic Bulletins.

The school will use email to communicate information or request volunteer services. The school's email address is


Parent Handbook







3/24-3/28: Spring Break No School
Extended Day only on 3/24 & 3/25


 Board Meeting 6:30pm

4/14-4/18: UE to Teton Science School

4/19: Book Fair at Winnie & Mo's


Art & Music Show 6pm

5/14: Board Meeting 6:30 pm

5/21: 6th years Graduation

5/22: Last day of School

5/23 - 5/30: SRMS Closed 



Snake River
Montessori School

2970 E. 1st Street
Ammon, ID 83406
Phone: 208.524.4730

Snake River Montessori School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin.