Snake River Montessori School
nurturing potential
Service Hours

Service Hours

Parent Volunteer Hours are required at SRMS. The student gets more from the Montessori experience when the parents are involved in the school. The child sees that the parent deems the education important by being involved. Each family contributes 30 hours to the school. Being a non-profit, we seek to operate economically while maintaining a high academic standard. To do this, we need the help of every parent. It is also a good way for parents to learn more about the Montessori system of education.

Parent Service Hour Areas:

Reading listeding, Story writing, Room parent, Snack reminder, Laundry, and general claaroom help. 

Board of Directors - (SRMS School Board)

Members are elected to serve a 3-year term on the School Board. Members meet monthly to discuss current school issues, policies and long range planning. Members are responsible for researching and approving many decisions regarding school finances and structure.

Building Maintenance Committee

The General Labor and Building Maintenance Committee helps make sure our school building stays in good repair and performs miscellaneous jobs as needed. A Job Board is posted in the entry way of the school.

Cleaning Projects

Parents are needed to help with various cleaning tasks around the school. A Job Board is posted in the entryway of the school.

Computer Maintenance

To provide continuity, one volunteer is needed with the skills to aid in computer and printer set up, computer maintenance, and general troubleshooting most of which can be done during non-school hours.

Grounds & Projects Committee

The Grounds and Projects Committee helps make sure our school grounds are properly cared for and implements projects when necessary. Activities include deep watering for trees on the school grounds, system checks for the sprinkler system, checking the conifers for insects, and periodic safety check on the playground equipment.


We appreciate parents doing some of their hours in fundraising. 


Participate with other committee members in helping to market the school.

Library Committee

SRMS is proud of its library, but has no librarian on staff. As a result, it takes the efforts of parents and teachers to keep the library clean and orderly. The Library Committee shares the load of preparing books for placement on shelves, re-shelving, and keeping the library organized.


11/21: Primary Stone Soup 11:30 am

11/22: Elementary Stone Soup
LE 11:00 am
UE 12:30 pm

11/25-11/29: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Extended Day only on 11/25 & 11/26


Board Meeting 6:30 pm

12/20: Holiday Houses 8:30am
Noon Dismissal - No Extended Day 

12/23-1/3: Winter Break
No School and No Extended Day 


School Resumes




Snake River
Montessori School

2970 E. 1st Street
Ammon, ID 83406
Phone: 208.524.4730

Snake River Montessori School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin.