Snake River Montessori School
nurturing potential

SRMS currently maintains afull membership with the American Montessori Society (AMS). The school has achieved full status with all our classroom lead teachers holding Montessori credentials in the level(s) they are teaching. The credentials have been issued by an AMS, AMI, NCME, or other Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education(MACTE) accredited program.

Earning a Montessori teaching certificate is a big commitment and requires a great deal of hard work and dedication. To be eligible to earn a full Montessori credential at an American Montessori Society (AMS) -affiliated teacher education program, one must hold a BA or BS degree (or higher). If one has completed high school but does not hold a college degree, she is eligible to earn an associate credential at the Infant & Toddler and Early Childhood levels. There are many different training facilities around the country that prepare teachers for AMS certification and each varies a little. Training is offered in the following categories: Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years), Early Childhood (2 1/2 - 6 years), Elementary I (6-9 years), Elementary II (9-12 years), and Secondary (12 - 18 years). In general, major curriculum areas are presented during the summer and are followed by a nine-month student teaching practicum. Practicum students work under the supervision of qualified Montessori teachers at cooperating schools and are usually paid a small stipend. Academic work is completed at seminars held on weekends during the practicum along with mandatory competency evaluations. All courses include a strong observation component with assignments to be completed during the summer and the practicum. There are not any training facilities near Idaho Falls, so teachers must travel to an out of state location to do training. This typically takes 1-3 summers and many weekend trips to and from the training site.

A Word about AMS

Dr. Maria Montessori did not patent any of her materials. Any school can call themselves a Montessori school without any training. It is important to investigate schools before enrolling your child. The American Montessori Society (AMS) is the national organization that certifies teachers, training institutions and schools. Our teachers are certified through AMS and we are a member school. Currently, there are no training schools or AMS accredited schools in the state of Idaho.


3/24-3/28: Spring Break No School
Extended Day only on 3/24 & 3/25


 Board Meeting 6:30pm

4/14-4/18: UE to Teton Science School

4/19: Book Fair at Winnie & Mo's


Art & Music Show 6pm

5/14: Board Meeting 6:30 pm

5/21: 6th years Graduation

5/22: Last day of School

5/23 - 5/30: SRMS Closed 



Snake River
Montessori School

2970 E. 1st Street
Ammon, ID 83406
Phone: 208.524.4730

Snake River Montessori School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin.