Snake River Montessori School
nurturing potential
Why private school?

No two private schools are the same, just as no two public schools are the same.  There are so many studies whether private or public schools are better that almost anybody can find one that supports their opinion.

However, there are certain things common for most private schools that everybody agrees on.

Private schools tend to have smaller class sizes, and smaller student to teacher ratio. Therefore, students are able to get the attention they need. The classrooms are more relaxed, students get to work freely with some assistance from teachers, allowing them to learn how to solve problems and work at a more individualized pace while still achieving academic goals. These schools are independently funded, responsible for their own budget, and therefore, able to fund more extracurricular activities/programs, attract better teachers, and develop a more advanced curriculum. In many private schools, students stay with the same teacher for a couple of years, which helps the teacher to know their students better and aids in addressing their individual needs much better.



 Why Snake River Montessori School (SRMS)
  • The Montessori Environment is designed to foster children's independence and ability to educate one's self through asking fundamental questions, performing rigorous research, and employing criticial thinking. 

  • Montessori education method nutures the whole child - cognitive, social, and physical - to develop students into well-educated, creative, competent, and engaged citizens. 

  • Each child is treated as an individual, with an understanding that each one has unique learning styles and abilities. 

  • An active and close knit community expands learning opportunities and enables life long friendships. 





3/24-3/28: Spring Break No School
Extended Day only on 3/24 & 3/25


 Board Meeting 6:30pm

4/14-4/18: UE to Teton Science School

4/19: Book Fair at Winnie & Mo's


Art & Music Show 6pm

5/14: Board Meeting 6:30 pm

5/21: 6th years Graduation

5/22: Last day of School

5/23 - 5/30: SRMS Closed 



Snake River
Montessori School

2970 E. 1st Street
Ammon, ID 83406
Phone: 208.524.4730

Snake River Montessori School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin.